Distance healing, also known as remote healing, is a practice where a healer provides energy healing to someone who is not physically present. This type of healing is based on the idea that energy is not confined by time or space, meaning that a healer can send healing energy to a person anywhere in the world.
How Does Distance Healing Work?
Distance healing works on the principle that everything is interconnected through a universal energy field. Practitioners can tap into this field to send healing energy to someone regardless of their physical location. This process often involves the healer entering a meditative state, focusing their intention on the recipient, and channeling energy to them.
The healer might use visualization techniques, symbols, prayers, or other tools to direct the energy. The recipient doesn’t need to do anything special, though they may be asked to relax, meditate, or simply be open to receiving the energy at a pre-agreed time.
Are there any differences between an in-person session vs a Distance Reiki session?
There is essentially no difference between an in-person or Distance Reiki session other than we’re not in the same room physically and that you won’t be feeling the physical touch as you would during an in-person session but you would fully receive the benefits of Reiki.
Types of Distance Healing
Distance healing can take many forms, depending on the tradition or practice of the healer. Some common types include:
Reiki Distance Healing: In Reiki, specific symbols are used to send healing energy across distances. This can be done in real-time or scheduled for a specific time when the recipient is most receptive.
Quantum Healing: Quantum healers work on the quantum level, believing that intention and consciousness can influence healing at a distance.
Shamanic Healing: Some shamans perform remote healing rituals, often connecting with the spirit world to send healing energy or retrieve lost parts of the soul for the recipient.
Benefits of Distance Healing
Convenience: Since no physical presence is required, healing sessions can be done from the comfort of one’s home, making it accessible to people with mobility issues or those in different geographic locations.
Flexibility: Distance healing can be performed at any time, making it easier to fit into busy schedules.
Effective for Various Conditions: Many people report benefits from distance healing for physical ailments, emotional challenges, stress reduction, and spiritual growth.
What to Expect During a Distance Healing Session
A distance healing session is typically scheduled for a specific time. During this time, the recipient may be asked to relax, meditate, or simply remain open to receiving the energy. The experience can vary; some people feel sensations like warmth, tingling, or a sense of calm, while others may not feel anything at all during the session. However, the effects might be noticed later as an improvement in mood, relief from symptoms, or a general sense of well-being.
What are Distance Reiki Healing sessions used to treat?
Distance Reiki healing sessions are most commonly used to address the following:
Stress Relief
Trauma Healing
Grief or Loss
Chronic pains or discomforts (to reduce or provide pain relief) (i.e. back pain, sciatica, frozen shoulders)
Chronic illnesses and conditions such as cancer, diabetes, liver, kidney failure, auto-immune diseases, hypothyroid or hyperthyroid issues
Speed Up Recovery (anything from minor colds, wounds to post-surgery recovery)
Mental blocks, mental fatigue, or brain fog (to free the mind from being “stuck”, to provide more focus and clarity, to unleash your creativity again, to accept the realities of life)
Healing emotional wounds
Creating more self-awareness and intuition (or to increase/improve levels of)
For general well-being management (to restore our personal and professional well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually)
Mental and emotional healing for important life events or situations (before, during, or after) (i.e. complicated pregnancy or birth)
Relationships (to heal your relationship with yourself, your inner child, with loved ones, or important others
How often should I get a Distance Reiki session?
Regular Distance Reiki treatments (i.e. once or twice a month) also help significantly as a way of prevention or management of existing issues like the ones mentioned above.
How to Prepare for a Distance Healing Session
To get the most out of a distance healing session, consider the following tips:
Set an Intention: Reflect on what you would like to achieve or heal during the session. Setting a clear intention can help focus the energy.
Find a Quiet Space: Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you can relax without interruptions during the session.
Stuck at work or too busy to lay down in a quiet space:
No problem, you can set your intention to receive your distance reiki when you go to sleep that evening.
Be Open: Approach the session with an open mind, letting go of expectations. Trust that the energy will go where it’s needed most.
Hydrate: Drinking water before and after the session can help facilitate the flow of energy and aid in detoxification.
After the Session:
After a distance healing session, it’s important to take care of yourself. Drink plenty of water, rest if needed, and pay attention to any shifts in your physical, emotional, or mental state. It’s also helpful to journal any thoughts or feelings that arise, as the effects of the session may unfold over the following days.
Distance healing can be a powerful and effective way to receive healing energy, regardless of physical location. Whether used as a complement to in-person treatments or as a standalone practice, it offers a flexible and accessible way to support overall well-being.